Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Audition to be Derek Jeter's Body Double.

So today I auditioned to be Derek Jeter's body double. It was for a National Gillette commercial. I had to do some basic stances, run around the bases and slide head first into home plate. Then just a couple intense looks into the camera and I was done. I was able to see the guys before me doing the same thing, which can be good and bad sometimes. When your actually reading lines watching someone else do it can throw you off a bit. At least i've noticed that. However for a physical audition like this, seeing someone do it gave me some good pointers on what to do and what not to do.

Now I'm not sure if that sounds simple but it's definitely not. First I am not nor have I ever been a baseball player. That being what it is, I feel that I am physically capable of doing what was required. I did watch a couple how to slide into home plate videos. I'm not sure if they helped at all. Mostly cause it was videos for little league players. Its all I could find...

For me this audition was a good mix of mental and physical preparedness. Stretching warming up getting my body ready and telling myself just do it. I might not be a pro at sliding into home plate but I can at like I know what I'm doing. Which was one of the comments that was made to me before my audition. The auditor pretty much said don't be afraid to act a bit. Even though it is involving something physical, try to show the emotion of baseball. I think that part came easy because every time I slid into home plate I crushed my balls. Why you ask did I crush my balls? Well they only had medium size cups at target at 9:30 last night so I went cup less. Not the best of ideas...

I am proud of myself for this if nothing else, I was able to put aside my hatred for the yankees for the betterment of my career.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. ha. hahahahahahahahahaha....
    really, there are just not enough 'h's and 'a's in the world for me to express how freakn rediculous this whole entry is. a) you, body double for derek? (no offense here) but, uhh, okay? b) you watching kids in t-ball slide into home base on youtube. c) the idea of you acting like your jeter sliding into home. d) that fact that you pointed out that target didn't have any L cup sizes..etc.

    okay, i'm going to continue to laugh now...
